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SocialEngine 2.5 Released, New Tutorials Added

SocialEngine 2.5 is ready for download! This update includes some minor bug fixes throughout the platform. Also, Charlotte and John have been coding furiously this week to bring you three new mod tutorials: 1. How To Create A Plugin (Part 1):- This tutorial guides you through the process of creating your very own SocialEngine plugin.…

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vBulletin / phpBB2, Tutorials Area, SE 2.4 Released

We’ve created a new clients-only tutorial section where clients can check out tutorials and mods created by other clients as well as the SE team itself. These tutorials offer step-by-step instructions for adding new features to your SE installation. To send it off with a bang, one of our first tutorials is a vBulletin /…

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Events Plugin Released

It’s here! We are excited to bring all of you some great new (much-requested) functionality – the Events plugin. Now your users can create events and plan their own schedules with personalized calendars. A mini-calendar is also displayed on your users’ profile pages. Users can invite each other and RSVP to events. Each event has…

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SocialEngine 2.1 Released, Album and Group Plugins Updated

The development team has released the SocialEngine 2.1 upgrade as well as an upgrade for the Photo Albums plugin. These upgrades address all of the post-release issues found in the big 2.0 release last month. Not that these are taken care of, we can move ahead with the Events plugin. Development on the Events plugin…

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SocialEngine 2.0 Released

Hooray! We’ve finally released SocialEngine 2.0. SocialEngine clients may now login to the client area and purchase the 1.8 -> 2.0 upgrade for $25 US. Please note that your upgrade order may take us up to 24 hours to process. If you would prefer that we handle your upgrade process, you can purchase our install…

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Version 2.0 Online Beta

Thank you all for being so patient, even after the first beta deadline was missed! Today we have finally released the SocialEngine 2.0 Online Beta. The beta allows you to create an account on a demo social network and explore most of the new features we’ve added in 2.0. You can also login as the…

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SocialEngine Trial Launched

Good news for those of you that have been following SocialEngine for a while but haven’t bought a license just yet. Today we’ve released a free 15-day trial of SocialEngine 1.8 and all the available plugins. You can download the trial and install it on your server in minutes! The trial is fully functional except…

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SocialEngine 1.8, Blogs Plugin 1.6 Released

We’ve released a new version of the platform today, SocialEngine 1.8. This update fixes several minor bugs we’ve found over the past several weeks, namely issues we’ve found within the FCK editor component, the admin’s statistics area, the post comment page, and several small language oversights. SocialEngine 1.X is now remarkably stable, so to celebrate…

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SocialEngine 1.7 Version Released

Great news everyone! SocialEngine 1.7 Version is out, and the platform is now extremely stable. The last few bugs we could find were fixed, including bad-word censoring, content-specific search issues, and a minor problem with friendship types. Charlotte also made some great improvements based on your suggestions, such as allowing private user profiles to display…

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SocialEngine 1.6 Released, API Planning Begins

We are happy to announce the release of SocialEngine 1.6. This update has fixed all the small bugs you have reported, so things are looking great. Charlotte and I are beginning discussions about creating an API that will make integrating third-party applications (as well as developing your own plugins) much easier. We are still organizing…