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Encourage content creation, personal expression and boost SEO with blogs!


  • Frontend User Features
    • WYSIWYG Entry Composer – Using an interface similar to MS Word, members can easily compose blog entries. Members have direct access to the HTML source as well for hands-on editing.
    • Privacy Options – Members control the privacy of every post to determine who can view and who can comment on their blog entries.
    • Share Videos and Photos – Posts are not limited to text. Members can enrich blog entries with photos and videos for more dynamic experiences.
    • Categories and Tags – When writing blog entries, members can publish to categories and tag posts with keywords. As the admin, you can create unique, community relevant categories for your members.
    • Custom Blog Styles – Members may personalize blogs with their own visual twist using custom CSS styles.
  • Admin Features
    • Full Member Control – You control by member level who can add, view, and edit blogs.
    • Blog Management – Quickly edit or delete blogs right from the Admin Panel. Edit or delete single blogs from the front end management.
    • Choose how many blogs display per page .
    • Control whether members can use custom CSS styles on their blogs.
    • Full control over privacy and comment options.
    • Full category control so you can create and edit categories to suit your community.
    • Control how many blogs each member level can add.
    • Control whether HTML is allowed in blogs.
    • Easily monetize on this with subscriptions. Set member levels to allow access to view, add and edit based on the subscription level.
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