SocialEngine - Community Software

SocialEngine 3.10 Released

SocialEngine 3.10 is now available in the client area for download! Please remember to read upgrade.html if you are upgrading, or install.html if you are doing a fresh install. We will now being working on the next releases of the plugins to address the session compatibility issue with 3.10, as well as other minor improvements.…

SocialEngine - Community Software

SocialEngine 3.07, Videos 3.01 Released

John and Sami have made some nice updates to both the video plugin and the main platform. In the video plugin: 1. We’ve integrated a flash uploader for a more pleasant upload experience (including a progress bar). The uploader is Flash 10 compatible.2. Some compatibility issues with several video formats have been fixed.3. A troubleshooting…

SocialEngine - Community Software

SE v3 Live Demo Available, Video Plugin Released

Today is the big day! Our development team has updated all the plugins and rolled SE v3 out of beta. You can now explore SocialEngine 3 (and all updated plugins) on our live demo sites. The platform and all plugins are now stable, so you can feel free to install them on your server and…

SocialEngine - Community Software

Events Plugin 3.02, Blogs Plugin 3.03 Released

We’ve finished upgrading the final v3 plugin, Events, and have released it today along with an update for the Blogs Plugin. Those of you that were encountering a problem with blogs where blog entry content was not being posted from the FCKEditor should no longer have issues. We’ll be doing a few final bug fixes…

SocialEngine - Community Software

SE 3.06, Groups Plugin 3.02 Released

We’ve released a quick update to both the SE platform and the Groups Plugin. The updates both address some minor bugs that were left in the previous versions. In other news, the Events plugin will be released this Friday and the official SE 3.X demo will be put up. The Video plugin will follow shortly…

SocialEngine - Community Software

SE 3.05, Groups Plugin BETA Released

We’ve just released the long-awaited v3-compatible Groups Plugin. Group discussions have been updated to work (and look) more like actual forums, with sticky/closed topics and moderation options. The “edit group” area has been updated to be much more user-friendly, and members can now upload photos (if allowed by the group leader). To top it off,…

SocialEngine - Community Software

Classifieds Plugin BETA Released

Good news – we’ve released the v3-compatible Classifieds Plugin. Those of you that are running the SE v3 beta can install this plugin. Be sure to check out the brand-new Browse Classifieds page, which includes some great new improvements over the old one. The Groups and Events plugins are nearly done, so we are close…

SocialEngine - Community Software

Blogs Plugin BETA Released

We have just released the newest version of the Blogs Plugin, which is compatible with SE 3.04. Like the other new plugin releases, this is still in beta and will be finalized when the final SocialEngine platform is released. Our next release (in just a few days) will be the Groups Plugin (beta). Stay tuned!

SocialEngine - Community Software

SE 3.04, Albums, Polls, Music BETA Plugins Released

We are making great progress towards having the final SE version 3 and all associated plugins rolled out. Today, we’ve released an update to the platform beta (3.04) along with the compatible Albums, Polls and Music plugins. The platform update fixes some minor bugs reported in the previous beta, and it is now fully stable.…