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Community Management: Unique Ways to Entice New Members

“Being effective at social media, whether for business or personal use, means capturing people who have short attention spans. They’re only a click away from a picture of a funny cat, so you have to make your thing more compelling than that cat. And that can be a high bar.” Alexis Ohanian There are many…

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3 Reasons to Build a Branded Community

Branded communities are back and flourishing in today’s hyper-connected world. As social media is a catch-all for online content, branded communities highlight your specific brand’s voice and encourage engaged conversation around what you have to offer. They provide a niche platform for current and ideal customers to communicate with each other, building natural relationships right in…

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3 Tips for Successful Community Management

A successful brand is more than its flashy online presence. It’s a community. Managing your brand followers takes more than regular tweets. It takes a purposeful brand to lend an active ear and offer meaningful, solution-driven content. As you build your branded space online for loyal fans, keep these three tips in mind for successful community management. Keep…

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Fantastic Social Features for a Successful Online Community

When building an online community, social features are an essential part of the mix. They can help establish a loyal membership, help you advertise via free media outlets (Facebook, Twitter, etc), and help your users connect in meaningful ways. One of the reasons we’re SocialEngine is that we give you these tools to help you…

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Boost Your Community with Management Strategies

It is common for digital entrepreneurs to focus on metrics like page views, social media likes, and social shares when in actuality, none of this matters to your bottom line as much as your community engagement does. One of the most important factors in your company’s profitability is the strength of your community. Running a…

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Using Storytelling to Engage in Community Management

Writing for the Huffington Post, author and business leader Peter Friedman brought up how businesses can create engaging relations with their customer bases through storytelling elements. Storytelling is one of the most ancient of human activities, and we all engage in stories in our everyday lives, from viewing a TV show or movie to recounting just…

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Creating an Effective Community Strategy Canvas

Truly effective businesses encourage their customers to get involved. When paying customers feel involved and valued, they want to contribute to the business’s further success. In addition, successful businesses learn from their customer base about how best to serve it in ways that align with the business’s mission. Creating and hosting an online social community…

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4 Ways to Effectively Contribute to Your Community

A community consists of its members. This may seem straightforward, but all-too-often people — community leaders and members included – act like a community is its leaders. Even those who cannot or do not want to hold leadership positions have many options for participation. 1. Be Present The first step is committing to being there. Whether…

Community Management Giving Each Member a Voice

Community Management: Giving Each Member a Voice

One of the trademarks of a community is that each member has a place where they feel accepted and important. Naturally some member tend to be more vocal and involved while others choose to remain in the background. The goal, however, is that each member feels comfortable getting involved and valued when they choose to…