Upcoming Feature: MaxCDN Integration with SocialEngine

SocialEngine - Community Software

We are pleased to announce MaxCDN integration with SocialEngine for the coming 4.1.8 release. Here is a quick introduction of the service from MaxCDN:

” The web has to be fast! We all know that we have to tweak our sites to make them faster since the benefits of a fast website are mind boggling! A CDN is one of the building blocks to make your site lightning fast and reliable. A CDN can simply take the static parts of your website and offload them to data centers around the world, to reduce latency and bring the content closer to your user.

That’s exactly what we do; we’re MaxCDN and we try to help speed up websites to their maximum performance across our twelve data centers. We are very excited to announced that SocialEngine will soon be integrated with our CDN services.

CDN is a common term you hear around the web nowadays, but the term is thrown around quite a bit and used incorrectly. Let’s cover why you should care about a CDN and how we’re different from every other CDN provider.

Why Should You Care

To illustrate the benefits of a fast loading site and using a CDN, here a quick list of bullet points.

1. SEO rank will be higher everybody wants it, everybody needs it. Quite some time ago Google announced that the load time of a website is one of the factors in their ranking algorithm. Like Matt Cutts always said…good SEO is good for the user… and fast sites make users happy!
2. You’ll have more conversions You put a lot of hard work into SEO and when you finally have the user on your site, you want to make sure that he converts into a sale or a signup. Various case studies have shown that a faster site increases conversions drastically! Mozilla shaved 2.2 seconds off their landing pages, this increased download conversions by 15.4%, which they estimate will result in 60 million more Firefox downloads per year according to one of their blog posts. Amazon even increased revenue by 1% for every 100 milliseconds of improvement, which came from one of their PowerPoint presentations.
3. Your users will love you – a fast website always leads to happy users and they will come more often and view more pages! Yahoo increased traffic by 9% for every 400 milliseconds of improvement from their YSlow 2.0 presentation.
4. Scalability sure, we hear this all the time with “the cloud”, but when your website grows, you won’t need to add any additional resources to power your website. Taking static content off your server does take a good portion of the load off your web server.
5. Load balancing When your site becomes popular over night because you are on the frontage of Reddit, Digg, or Slashdot, you don’t need to worry with your website being taken down because of it.

We’re Different than Other CDNs

There are many CDN providers out there, but we can say that we are different from them:
1. We’re fast – with all of our twelve data centers throughout the world, we are a very fast CDN provider. All of our servers and other equipment are using state of the art hardware to insure we deliver the fastest CDN service possible.
2. Easy to use – some of us just want to take a break from the terminal and have a nice and friend control panel in front of us. We’ll provide you with the easiest CDN control panel out there. We also provide a very easy to use XML-API.
3. Tons of features – we have four types of zones you can use to deliver your content, and with all of these zones, you won’t have a problem at all integrating your website with MaxCDN. We even offer real time reporting with tons of fancy graphs that are just a click away in our control panel.
4. Contract free – MaxCDN is 100% contract free and you can cancel anytime you want and you can sign up within minutes.
5. Quick integration – it’s a extremely easy to set up MaxCDN throughout your entire website. In around the same time it takes to brew a cup of coffee, you could have your website up and running instantly using MaxCDN’s services. And in fact, it’s not hard at all; it’s plug and play!
6. We’re affordable – Without a doubt, we’re offering quite a bit just from a CDN service. But we’re not expensive at all; in fact, we’re only $40 for your first terabyte!

Integrating our CDN into SocialEngine will be seamless and effortless; just keep a watch out for it in an upcoming update!

If you would like to take a look at our services, everything we offer can be viewed from our website: SocialEngine

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