Two New Additions to the Team!

SocialEngine - Community Software

The SocialEngine Team is growing!

We’d just like to take this opportunity to introduce two new additions to the team – Jasper and Pamela.

Jasper and Pamela

Jasper is our new community manager. He is responsible for expanding the SocialEngine affiliate program and building our client communications/relations through emails and social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, as well as creating documentation for our product. You’ve probably already seen some of his videos on Youtube. With a very strong background in community software, he will also be contributing new ideas for improving the quality of our product.

Pamela is our latest technician, aka Code Monkey. She will work primarily alongside the support team in rectifying issues relating to bugs in the software and providing technical support to clients. Her amazing coding skills will also benefit the quality of our product.

We are very excited to have Jasper and Pamela on the team. They will definitely contribute to the growth of our software.

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