SocialEngine - Community Software

Find Developers and Designers @SocialEngineJob

Are you looking for developers or designers to help you with a SocialEngine-related project? Include #socialenginejob in your tweet and we will retweet it!!/socialenginejob

SocialEngine - Community Software

Two New Additions to the Team!

The SocialEngine Team is growing! We’d just like to take this opportunity to introduce two new additions to the team – Jasper and Pamela. Jasper is our new community manager. He is responsible for expanding the SocialEngine affiliate program and building our client communications/relations through emails and social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, as…

SocialEngine - Community Software looking for a SocialEngine expert

Our hosting partner, Arvixe, who hosts countless SocialEngine clients and has long supported our client community, is looking for a “SocialEngine Liaison”. This person would help Arvixe build SocialEngine-related materials, communicate with other SE clients, help educate Arvixe’s support staff with new issues, etc. Arvixe is looking to pay this person $250 US per month…

SocialEngine - Community Software

We are hiring!

The response to SocialEngine has been overwhelming! We are excited to see such a huge influx of SocialEngine customers and fans. We would like to add someone to our in-house team to help with customer support and product development. Here is a copy of the job listing:   Part-time Developer for Social Networking Startup Love…