We’ve been working hard on improving SocialEngine and we hope you’ll enjoy the following updates. They include numerous enhancements to the speed and security of the SocialEngine platform.
Platform v3.12
– Improved page loading times: minified Javascript files to greatly reduce page render times
– Reduced unnecessary template inclusions to reduce page generation time
– Added a new system settings check to reduce problems caused by server (mis)configuration
– Admin Panel now uses sessions for increased security with cookie support enabled using a quick replacement in admin_header.php for fallback
– Password encryption method is configurable on a per-user basis to allow for future importing from other scripts
– Fixed bug: in include/class_inputfilter.php that was causing various utf8 problems
– Fixed bug: where incorrect images would be displayed in action feed
Groups v3.05
-Added level setting to choose whether users can view, join, or create groups to the user levels area
-Added code to utilize the new stylesheet inclusion method
-Fixed HTML in discussions bug
-Fixed various total related bugs
-Fixed user invitation bug
Blogs v3.06
-Added code to utilize the new stylesheet inclusion method
-Fixed utf8 and apostrophe problems (requires include/class_inputfilter.php from 3.12)
We strongly encourage our clients to update their software to benefit from the improved page render times and other enhancements. Let us know if you have any questions/comments!