SocialEngine - Community Software

SocialEngine 4 Released

Wahoo! The day has finally come. We’ve just released the long-awaited 4.0 version of the SocialEngine platform along with compatible versions of all our official plugins. Our team worked on SE4 for over a year to completely redesign the platform from scratch. The new system is built on the popular (and open source) Zend Framework…

SocialEngine - Community Software

SocialEngine v3.12: Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger

We’ve been working hard on improving SocialEngine and we hope you’ll enjoy the following updates. They include numerous enhancements to the speed and security of the SocialEngine platform. Platform v3.12 – Improved page loading times: minified Javascript files to greatly reduce page render times – Reduced unnecessary template inclusions to reduce page generation time –…

SocialEngine - Community Software

SE 3.05, Groups Plugin BETA Released

We’ve just released the long-awaited v3-compatible Groups Plugin. Group discussions have been updated to work (and look) more like actual forums, with sticky/closed topics and moderation options. The “edit group” area has been updated to be much more user-friendly, and members can now upload photos (if allowed by the group leader). To top it off,…