We are pleased to announce the release of SocialEngine Self-Hosted 5.9.0! This release adds a few new features and improvements, and addresses bugs posted by members of our community and staff.
The following is a list of fixes and improvements in this release:
- Improved URL structure for Groups. Group names such as BryZar Web Services were being changed to bry-zar-web-services in the URL for Groups. This wasn’t ideal. We have fixed it so it won’t break up the names.
- New – Add Friend Request Feature in Mini Menu. Friend requests now have their own mini menu icon! This makes it easier to see new friend requests.

- New – Settings for redirection. This allows admins to set the redirection for log in, sign up and sign out. New tutorial for how to use this setting is found in our Learning Center.
Bugs Fixed:
- Fixed – On fresh install, recent and popular blog widgets cause errors in log.
- Fixed – Header search widget flashes and flickers when menus are clicked.
- Fixed – Activity Notification Page should not be visible to non-logged in users.
- Fixed – Login History Source Empty.
- Fixed – Twitter links don’t embed correctly.
- Fixed – Admin Mapping Causing Error.
- Fixed – Removed mobile pages from Layout Editor, as well as the Mobile widgets. These were for the old Mobi plugin which is no longer available.
- Fixed – Fix URL for “More SE News” in admin panel.
- Fixed – Check payment method has the wrong details for clients to add the details for where a user can send a check and to whom.
- Fixed – Twitter login broken.
- Fixed – Remove Feed code for Network Join as this was unnecessary and caused user issues for Likes, Comments and Share.
- Fixed – TinyMCE Editor is not coming in Responsive View.
- Fixed – Albums plugin creates empty albums if user clicks save multiple times.
- Fixed – “Transprant.png” file making a mess. Removed this file as it is no longer used and was spelled incorrectly anyway.
A complete changelog is available for more details about the changes and fixes implemented in this 5.9.0 release. Please view our demo of v5 and explore the new features!
As always we highly encourage all users to do a complete backup of both files and database before performing this upgrade. Please have the backup performed by your host or a developer if you’re not comfortable with performing it yourself. Always check with third party experts for compatibility with any products you use before upgrading.
Important: If you are on version 4.9.4p1 or below, you will need to follow the special steps in the upgrading documents linked below before upgrading and applying the patch mentioned.
You can download your copy of version 5.9.0 from our new client dashboard. For clients still using v4 of the SocialEngine Self-Hosted platform, you would need to first purchase the v5 upgrade in order to access the latest version. If you hadn’t requested to be moved to our new dashboard, please contact us.
Fresh installs should follow our installation tutorial or you can order an installation ticket and our team will get it installed in no time! To upgrade from a previous version to 5.9.0, please view our upgrade documentation.
If you find any issues with this release, please let us know by filing a bug report in our Bug Tracker. We’d also like to encourage you to stay connected with the community.
With Great Appreciation,
The SocialEngine Team