Public SocialEngine Bug Tracker Now Live

SocialEngine - Community Software

Hello everyone.
As a first response to much of the initial feedback we’ve collected, it’s a pleasure to announce the launch of SocialEngine’s bug tracker and feature suggestion area. It’s our hope this provides visibility into known issues and removes any need to submit support tickets for bugs.
As you may have read from James’ previous post on SE priorities, we are using Redmine as the platform to start. The following are a few key considerations you should be aware of when using the bug tracker:
1. You may submit bugs or feature suggestions for both SocialEngine PHP and Cloud products. You can check out our definition of What’s A Bug and Steps to Create a Good Bug Report. The bug tracker is not a place to submit support tickets or get answers related to technical support.
2. If you are a third-party SocialEngine developer or partner, you are invited to submit patches to fix bugs via this bug tracker. We know many have identified bugs, and have applied fixes for themselves. The bug tracker is an opportunity to share bug fixes with the development community, and contribute to the rapid improvement of SE’s core code base (credit sullivan). Note: Your submission of code means you understand and agree to the terms and conditions.
3. Please be patient with the process. What is “the process” you ask? In short, it involves prioritizing bug fixes in our development sprints, and including them in future releases. Since we are concurrently improving our code deployment process, we are hopeful you’ll understand submitting a bug doesn’t automatically make it a priority.
We remain appreciative of your business, and thank all of you for the responses and feedback to date.

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