SocialEngine Priorities Update

SocialEngine - Community Software

Once again, I must thank everyone for their ongoing support and feedback.
Following is an update on our current priorities.
Public Bug Tracker and Feature Suggestions
We’ve made the decision to move ahead with Redmine as our public feature request and bug tracker. We are shooting to have this up no later than next week. We may replace Redmine with Jira to achieve a more seamless integration with our agile development process in the future.
Code Deployment Process
We’ll be implementing a better code deployment process to improve efficiency and testing. We are also considering how (future) approved 3rd party developers may have access to branches of code they can more effectively test prior to pushing out new releases (credit matthew). This should foster stronger communication between us and the global SE development community, in addition to improving the quality of code and visibility with respect to direction (that is also influenced by the development community).

With SocialEngine PHP, the leading focus will be about performance of the core product, with product enhancements sprinkled in. Many of you have given us ideas about performance improvements and we are grateful. Please do keep the ideas and recommendations coming. Once we get a better feel for our velocity, we’ll be able to share more about our priorities and timelines.
Again please feel free to email me or Jason (who collaborates with me on these posts) directly, with any comments, questions, concerns.
James Clark

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