New Website Launching Soon

SocialEngine - Community Software

Aside from SocialEngine 4, we’ve also been busy designing a brand new website that’s easier to use, makes information more readily accessible and, if we may say so ourselves, is pretty sexy. As we put the finishing touches on it, here’s a sneak peak of everything you need to know:

Client Area: Once the new sites launches, you’ll no longer need to login using your client key. Instead, you’ll login using the email registered to your client account. If you’re an SE client, now would be a good time to make sure you know the email you registered with since that will be the only way to login once we make the switchover.

If you don’t know your registered email, you can easily look it up by logging in to the client area and clicking on “edit my information” on the left-hand side. We’ll also be sending out an email to all clients before the site launches to the email addresses we have on file.

The new client area will put everything you need right at your fingertips. The single login will consolidate all licenses, downloads and support tickets and neatly organize them so they’re readily accessible.

Community Section: The vastly improved community section now features ratings for mods and plugins, featured mods and a cleaner interface to navigate the vast array of third party products.

Support Section: The support section now consolidates the FAQ, knowledgebase and tutorials to make it as simple as possible to get the information you need.

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