SocialEngine - Community Software

SocialEngine PHP 4.9.3 Release

Hello! Hot off the presses, SocialEngine PHP 4.9.3! This minor release addresses some issues that were reported by clients in our Github along with a few issues our staff found during further testing. We’ve also included some minor improvements to current features. Designers will be thrilled as we’ve added support so the main layout can…

SocialEngine - Community Software

Responsively Mobile with SocialEngine

Our recent SEPHP 4.9 launch saw the introduction of our fully responsive Insignia theme. This article will introduce you to concept of responsiveness and how you can go responsively mobile with SocialEngine. First, what is a responsive theme and why should you care? According to StatCounter, “The combined traffic from mobile and tablet devices tipped…

SocialEngine - Community Software

SocialEngine PHP 4.9.2 Release

Hello! We’re back with another release, SocialEngine PHP 4.9.2! This minor release addresses some issues that were reported by clients in our Github and also that our staff found during further testing. We’ve also included some minor improvements to current features. Please be sure to read the special instructions below before upgrading. Fixed Issues or…

SocialEngine - Community Software

SocialEngine PHP 4.9.0 and Third Party Products

Hello! Well, we’ve had an exciting time with our release of SocialEngine PHP 4.9. While many have been able to smoothly upgrade without any issue, we have had some customers facing issues with third party plugins during the upgrade. We want to take a couple minutes to help offer some advice in this realm to help…

SocialEngine - Community Software

4.9 Pre-Release Discount!

Hello! We’ve got news about something you’ve been waiting for. No, it’s not the giraffe’s delivery. What a compelling video, right? Our news is about our 4.9 release! We are thrilled to have this coming so soon. Our development team is all hopped up on coffee and burning up keyboards getting things just right. We’re…

SocialEngine - Community Software

SocialEngine 4 Migration Script

We’re happy to announce the release of the SocialEngine 3 to 4 migration script, now available for download. There are some important notes in the instructions so please read carefully. The migration script is relatively simple to run and instructions are included. If you’d prefer to have the service performed for you, there are two…

SocialEngine - Community Software

SocialEngine 4 Released

Wahoo! The day has finally come. We’ve just released the long-awaited 4.0 version of the SocialEngine platform along with compatible versions of all our official plugins. Our team worked on SE4 for over a year to completely redesign the platform from scratch. The new system is built on the popular (and open source) Zend Framework…

SocialEngine - Community Software

SE4 Release Candidate 2

The second release candidate of SocialEngine 4 (RC2) is now available for download from the client area. We’ve addressed many of the reported issues and recommend installing or upgrading from RC1. Note that when upgrading from RC1, you can now use the package manager to upgrade your source code the same way you would with…

SocialEngine - Community Software

SE4 Beta Release

Good news! SocialEngine 4 Public Beta has been released. If you’re a current client, you’ll find the download links are now available from the client area in a big conspicuous yellow box. The installation instructions are contained in the zip files, along with some other helpful information to get you started. Keep in mind that…

SocialEngine - Community Software

New Website Launching Soon

Aside from SocialEngine 4, we’ve also been busy designing a brand new website that’s easier to use, makes information more readily accessible and, if we may say so ourselves, is pretty sexy. As we put the finishing touches on it, here’s a sneak peak of everything you need to know: Client Area: Once the new…