SocialEngine - Community Software

SocialEngine Self-Hosted 4.7 released – bug fixes & improvements

Good news everyone! We’ve released a significant update to SocialEngine Self-Hosted that includes an array of bug fixes and many other improvements. Here’s a partial list: SocialEngine clients can grab the new SE Self-Hosted 4.7 code from the client area. Remember to make a *complete* backup of your installation before performing an upgrade. If you’ve…

SocialEngine - Community Software

SocialEngine Self-Hosted 4.6 Released – More improvements and bug fixes

Hello SE Self-Hosted community builders! We’ve just released SE Self-Hosted 4.6, which includes a whole slew of improvements and bug fixes. The release includes all of the items I wrote about on June 11, plus some other minor improvements and fixes. If you’re already a SocialEngine customer, you can download the release from your client…

SocialEngine - Community Software

SocialEngine Self-Hosted 4.6 – What We’re Working On

Hey SocialEngine community builders! We’ve been working on SE Self-Hosted 4.6 and want to keep you posted on our progress and future roadmap. The list below is actually incomplete – these are items that will definitely make it into SocialEngine Self-Hosted 4.6 – depending on time, we will likely add more improvements to the release…

SocialEngine - Community Software

SocialEngine Self-Hosted 4.5 Released – Performance Improvements & New Modern Theme

Good news! We’ve done another SocialEngine Self-Hosted development sprint and finally released SE Self-Hosted 4.5 today. Features & improvements Bug fixes Modern Theme SocialEngine Self-Hosted 4.5 includes a new default them named “Modern”. We hope you guys think it’s nicer and more contemporary than the previous default theme, but let us know. Performance Improvements We…

SocialEngine - Community Software

SocialEngine Self-Hosted 4.3 Released

Fresh from the code quarry! We’ve released the long overdue SocialEngine Self-Hosted 4.3 upgrade. If you’re a current SocialEngine customer, you can get your hands on it right now from the client area. If you’re not, you can grab a fresh copy here. If you are upgrading, BE SURE to make a complete backup of…

SocialEngine - Community Software

SocialEngine Self-Hosted 4.3: Coming Soon

Hi everyone. As I type, our engineering team is 100% focused on building the upcoming (and very overdue) SE Self-Hosted 4.3 update. Here is exactly what we are adding with this update: We are also fixing these bugs: We’ve dropped everything else and the whole team is sprinting to get 4.3 ready by this Friday.…

SocialEngine - Community Software

New SE Cloud Features & Patches

We are now pushing updates on SE Cloud weekly! We primarily focused on bug fixing and smaller improvements this week: Improvements Bug Fixes Let us know what you think about the new Clean Theme on SE Cloud. What new features do you want to see?

SocialEngine - Community Software

New "Clean" Theme + Disqus + Other Improvements

We are getting a TON of feedback from the 600 site creators now active on SocialEngine Cloud. One common issue we’ve seen is that newly created and small communities often have a hard time getting enough engagement – especially commenting and discussions – to get off the ground. We found that the two default SE…

SocialEngine - Community Software

SocialEngine Self-Hosted 4.2.9p1 Patch Released

Hey SE Self-Hosted site builders – we’ve just released a new patch that should fix the issues you’ve reported with the last release of SE Self-Hosted.  You can grab it from your client dashboard. Issues fixed in the patch: As always, please make a *complete* backup of your site before you upgrade and be sure…