3 Reasons to Build a Branded Community

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Branded communities are back and flourishing in today’s hyper-connected world. As social media is a catch-all for online content, branded communities highlight your specific brand’s voice and encourage engaged conversation around what you have to offer.

They provide a niche platform for current and ideal customers to communicate with each other, building natural relationships right in front of your products and services. As Adam Padilla, president and chief creative officer of BrandFire, says:

They allow for peer-to-peer troubleshooting and they provide an outlet for sharing success stories about using a product or service.

Branded communities are a personalized step up from your everyday social media. Keep these three tips in mind as you build yours.

1. Interact One-on-One

A major component of creating a branded community is the relationship-building it provides between you and interested customers. Treat your online interactions as if you’re chatting over coffee. Use their real names, show enthusiasm, and be transparent.

2. Hang Out in the Comments

Wherever your followers are commenting is where you need to be. This is where your audience lets loose and writes initial reactions. If you pay attention, you’ll see how customers interact with your product and share their needs. A close community reveals new possibilities for your business strategy.

3. Encourage Feedback

Always ask for more thoughts. Yes, some will be negative, but all will be informative. If you allow a variety of opinions, you’ll allow faster growth as glitches and questions are addressed. Ultimately, your brand will become a trusted leader for your niche customers.
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