Plugin Releases

SocialEngine - Community Software

Hey everyone! We’ve just released a series of plugin updates to address the bugs reported recently. We highly recommend that all clients upgrade their plugins, especially the classifieds plugin as a minor security issue was present in the previous version.

The plugins that have been released today are:
Albums 3.05:
Chat 3.03
Classifieds 3.03
Music 3.04
Polls 3.04

There are quite a few things in common with these releases:
-The upload pages have been made fully compatible with 3.10
-New installations will use static language variable IDs for the action types, notify types, and system emails. This will allow for easy importing and exporting of these language variables.
-They do not yet use the caching or session code from 3.10 as to maintain complete backwards compatibility with 3.07
-If you use it with 3.10, a new hook will display items on the site statistics box on home.php
-Joining to the comment tables when listing has been removed. Instead, the total comments are kept in the parent table. This should increase the speed of these queries.
-Browse page and link on menu now respects the “Public Permission Defaults” setting in the admin panel
-Some privacy problems with the levels pages have been fixed. Sometimes, they would incorrectly update the privacy settings of the objects of other user levels.

Now for the plugin specific overview:

-The chat room now uses the display name instead of the username
-Some problems with display name generation in the IM have been fixed
-Some missing language has been fixed

-A security issue has been fixed on the browse classifieds page. If you have the classifieds plugin installed, we recommend you update immediately.
-Check box/select box support has been fixed for the field system

-The files that were moved to the main platform have been removed
-Download link incorrectly showing up in search results has been fixed

-Browse page has been fixed for anonymous users

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