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Get to the pulse of your community with Polls! Gather community feedback with polls. Members can ask one another questions and see results with illustrated statistical data.


  • Frontend User Features
    • Visual Results are displayed using bar graphs, vote counts, and percentages. Whether for fun or more serious purposes, polls are great tools for you and your members.
    • Custom Questions and AnswersYou and your members can use polls to gather feedback on any topic. Ask a question, supply some answers, and let people participate.
    • Current and Relevant Poll lists stay fresh. New polls are visible to members, and old polls go away overtime, so members will be answering the most relevant polls.
    • Easy Browsing Search for polls using keywords, or filter by most recent and most popular. Members can browse everyone’s polls or choose to only see polls created by friends.
    • Settings and Privacy Control poll visibility, access, and participation, ranging from friends to everyone. You decide how members will create and interact with polls.
    • Private Polls Allow members to create private polls that are not visible in search results. Members can safely poll others by controlling poll access and visibility.
  • Admin Features
    • Full Member Control – You control by member level who can create, view, and edit polls.
    • Poll Management – Quickly delete polls right from the Admin Panel. Edit or delete single polls from the front end management.
    • Choose how many polls display per page.
    • Choose how many poll answers are allowed per poll.
    • Control whether votes/answers can be changed.
    • Full control over privacy and comment options.
    • Easily monetize on this with subscriptions. Set member levels to allow access to the polls and whether members can create polls based on the subscription level.
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