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Photo Albums



Create a visually engaging community with Photo Albums!


  • Frontend User Features
    • Rapid File Uploads – Our real-time progress bar keeps members updated so they’re not left waiting. Entire albums post in just a few clicks.
    • Photo Tagging – Enable member tagging to create albums rich with comments and mentions, making your community the photo sharing home of the last event, vacation, or shoot.
    • Privacy Options – Decide what privacy options are available when members upload photos. Everyone? Friends only? You decide!
    • Easy Browsing – Sort by categories, most recent and most popular, or use keyword searches. Efficient browsing with immediate results.
    • Photo Sharing – Posts support photo attachments for fresh and diverse content sharing. Members choose what to share and how to share it.
    • Profile Page – Photos Profile visitors can browse through photo albums to connect and comment. Albums display a visual history of each member’s experiences.
    • Photo Sorting – Users can set the default sort for their photos in their albums. They can choose from: Recent, Oldest, Set Order. For Set Order, users can drag and drop their photos in the order they want them!
  • Admin Features
    • Full Member Control – You control by member level who can upload, view, and edit photos.
    • Photo Album Management – Quickly edit delete entire photo albums right from the Admin Panel. Edit or delete single photos from the front end management.
    • Choose how photo albums display – number of show per page and whether default albums are searchable (blog, forum, etc).
    • Control how many photos can be uploaded to the feed at a time.
    • Full control over privacy, tag and comment options.
    • Full category control so you can create and edit categories to suit your community.
    • Easily monetize on this with subscriptions. Set member levels to allow access to view, upload and edit based on the subscription level.
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