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Forums, the old-school framework for online communities, remain a popular form of interaction. Add forums so members can create and participate in discussions about their interests. A forum board can be hold a wealth of information for your members which increases member interactions. Forums can generate better search engine results due to the increased activity.


  • Frontend User Features
    • Categories, Forums, and Topics – Forums are grouped by customizable categories, and members can create forum topics to get discussions going.
    • Notifications – Members can turn on notifications for topics they participate in, keeping them notified of other members’ replies.
    • HTML and BBcode Support – Optional support for HTML and BBcode is possible in forum posts. Members can embed media in posts for richer discussion.
    • Moderators – Assign members as moderators for specific forums. Moderators can oversee forum discussions and moderate content when necessary.
    • Show Recent Activity – Show recent posts and recent topics (threads) with the easy to use widgets. Just drag and drop onto any page and you’re good to go!
  • Admin Features
    • Full Member Control – You control by member level who can access the forum, create topics, edit and delete posts or topics.
    • Forum Access Management – Control who can view specific forums by member level.
    • Forum Moderation – Easily add moderators to each forum.
    • Full category control so you can create and edit forums to suit your community.
    • Enable or disable HTML and BBcode.
    • Control which HTML tags can be used in forums, per member level if HTML is enabled.
    • Control how many topics and posts show per page.
    • Easily monetize on this with subscriptions. Set member levels to allow access to the forums, posting, and whether members can use HTML in posts based on the subscription level.
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