SocialEngine - Community Software

Exciting News Regarding SEPHP

Hello! We have some very exciting news regarding SEPHP. Our team has received a great deal of feedback regarding our announcement several months ago about retiring SEPHP. With the amount of feedback received, we felt it best to put more thought into the future of the SEPHP platform.

SocialEngine - Community Software

Server Maintenance Downtime

Hello, As part of our routine server maintenance, our servers will go offline tomorrow morning at 4am EST for approximately an hour. During this time, our main website will be down, including the client dashboard. Our SaaS service SE Unite will also be down for this maintenance period. SE Cloud and our community will be up and not…

SocialEngine - Community Software

A Letter from the CEO

Hello Everyone, As you may have heard, we’ve recently released SocialEngine Unite beta. We’ve received great feedback from SE Cloud and SE PHP clients and we truly appreciate the time you’ve all taken to express your views and concerns. We would like to take this time to address the most frequently asked questions to alleviate…

SocialEngine - Community Software

Announcing New Partnership with BryZar Hosting

Hello! As our company progresses towards a new vision, we’ve made a change to our SocialEngine PHP recommended hosting provider. Our vision for 2019 and the future is to provide progressive options for clients. With this in mind, we felt a need to change direction regarding where we send clients for hosting and how we…

SocialEngine - Community Software

SocialEngine Marketplace Improvements

Hello! In a continuing effort provide the best possible experience for our clients and experts, we’re making changes to the SocialEngine marketplace. Along with changing the name from SocialEngine Marketplace to SocialEngine Store, this post will outline the changes that we are confident will improve the experience for all parties involved.

SocialEngine - Community Software

SocialEngine PHP 4.10.3p5 Security Release

We are releasing a security patch. This patch addresses a CSRF vulnerability reported to us which allows someone with advanced knowledge the ability to take over an account by changing the email if the website allows HTML and if advanced code were injected to the website due to allowing HTML or iframes. We recommend that…

SocialEngine - Community Software

Black Friday/Cyber Monday Deals!

It’s finally here! Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals for SocialEngine have arrived! If you’re looking to start your own social network now’s the time to do it and take advantage of a huge discount! All you need to do is head over to our products page and use the code “phpholiday18” to receive 25% off…

SocialEngine - Community Software

Black Friday Sneak Peek!

Hey everybody! We’re so excited to announce our big Black Friday/Cyber Monday sale will be happening this year, and its gonna be big! We’ll be offering 25% off all purchases of SE PHP Advance or SE PHP Essential!! This is our biggest sale of the year and will only be available from 11/23-11/26 so don’t…

SocialEngine - Community Software

SocialEngine PHP 4.10.3p4 Critical Security Release

We are releasing a critical security patch. This patch addresses a vulnerability reported to us today which allows someone with advanced knowledge the ability to view database details. All SocialEngine PHP websites should immediately apply the patch without exception. This vulnerability appears in current releases and also dates back to early releases.