SocialEngine - Community Software

v3 Beta Download Available!

The much-awaited time has come, guys! You can all either purchase SE from the order page or upgrade to v3 in your client area to have access to the v3 beta zip file. A few things to note: 1. This is a BETA. We have labeled it this way for a couple of reasons (plugins…

SocialEngine - Community Software

SE 3.0 BETA Released

We’ve just released the long-awaited downloadable 3.0 BETA. Those of you that are current clients can now login to the client area and upgrade to 3.0 for $25 US. This will give you immediate access to the 3.0 BETA, which you can install on your own server if you wish. Note that at this point,…

SocialEngine - Community Software

Important Security Patch Released – SE 2.83

Hi everyone, We’ve just been notified of an important security issue in SocialEngine. We are distributing a patch that will immediately fix the issue and keep your installation safe. The patch only requires that you replace three files. You can download the standalone patch from the link below, or by logging into our client area…

SocialEngine - Community Software

v3 Public Beta

Hey there everyone, I am finally announcing the public beta of SocialEngine v3. We are still wrapping up some small things with it and will be working on the beta over the weekend and during next week, but we invite you to check it out, tell us what you think, and report any bugs you…

SocialEngine - Community Software

"My Network" page

So as we are winding down on v3 development in the next week or so, we have finally come to the “My Network” page that so many of you have requested. I may have asked this before, but I have been very focused on other features in the last handful of weeks, so bear with…

SocialEngine - Community Software

Music Plugin Released, SocialEngine Price Lowered

Due to the massive number of requests for a music player on users’ profiles, we’ve released a Music Plugin. This new plugin will give your users a way to upload audio files (with a convenient Java multi-file uploader or a basic HTML form), create a playlist, and share their music on their profiles. The Flash…

SocialEngine - Community Software

Another slew of features to show off!

This week I’ve been adding features at a break-neck pace! Without further ado, here are some previews: 1. One of the features that has been requested is the ability for the admin to disable “Delete Account” page and to disallow username changing. I’ve added that feature in the user level area: 2. I’ve also been…

SocialEngine - Community Software

v3 Fun

I’m finally through much of the boring-but-necessary stuff in the v3 platform, and have spent the last week or so adding some of the highly-requested features: 1. HTML in Comments – I finally got the chance to work on this. Here’s a screenshot from the admin section: As you can see, it’s similar to the…

SocialEngine - Community Software

Third-party Plugins Area Added

We are thrilled that many of you are developing your own SocialEngine plugins, mods, tutorials, template sets, etc. Since we’ve already created a place for you to share your creations for free (the tutorials area), we’ve created another page (the third-party plugins area) for you to sell your own plugins, templates, etc. If you would…

SocialEngine - Community Software

TechCrunch Elevator Pitch

Hey guys, Alex went to a TechCrunch event a few weeks ago and had the opportunity to give an elevator pitch for SocialEngine. It’s finally up on the TechCrunch website – check it out! Congrats, Alex 🙂