Music Plugin Released, SocialEngine Price Lowered

SocialEngine - Community Software

Due to the massive number of requests for a music player on users’ profiles, we’ve released a Music Plugin. This new plugin will give your users a way to upload audio files (with a convenient Java multi-file uploader or a basic HTML form), create a playlist, and share their music on their profiles.
The Flash music player we’ve included is completely skinnable, and your users can pick from any of the default skins (as well as any that you add yourself).

The plugin gives your users another outlet for personal expression and makes SocialEngine particularly useful for music-oriented social networks. Existing clients can buy the music plugin from the client area – you will receive download access immediately after your purchase. Three cheers for Brett for creating this awesome SocialEngine plugin!

In other news, the price of SocialEngine has been lowered to $250 US.
Grab your copy today!

Update: June 24 – We’ve just released Music 2.1, which should fix some post-release bugs in this plugin. Go grab the update from the client area!
Update: July 3 – We’ve now released Music 2.2, which replaces the clunky Java uploader with a steamlined AJAX/Flash uploader.