Why It’s Imperative to Create Your Own Branded Community

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Terms like “community” and “find your tribe” are the new buzzwords of digital marketers. Newbies will automatically believe these words mean having a large following on social media or simply having high page views on their blog or website.

In actuality, community and tribe refer more to the connectedness of the leader and the community members than to the actual number of followers or members.

In short, these terms are called branded communities. A branded community as described by Click Z is a managed community of followers and customers that are a part of a branded website (think niched blog) and are bound together by common social interests and behaviors.

So no longer does it matter how much money you have or don’t have for an ads budget, nor does it matter what size your community is. What matters is the common social interests and behaviors that bond them together which makes a tighter relationship than any paid advertisement could. Here are 5 quick reasons why it’s imperative to create your own branded community.

Customer Loyalty

This is a big reason. By growing a personal relationship with future and past customers in your branded community, you create raving fans. Not only do you give them an amazing service and/or product, you’re also a person they like and trust. Not to mention that loyal customers also are great at giving glowing testimonials.

Free Market Research

Don’t know what your customers want and need from you? Why don’t you just ask your branded community? Community members are more than happy to voice their concerns. Commonly give community members questionnaires and polls to see exactly what your next product or service should be.

Sell products more easily

People buy things that are referred to them by a friend because they trust that friend. People in your community are surrounded by other friends who have tried, loved, and raved about your product. Also, they may see YOU as a friend. This helps to lower the barriers to your next round of product sales.

Use Your Community as a Platform to Give More

Not only is a branded community a platform to sell, it’s also a great platform to give. Educate your members by giving them free resources. Also engage them daily with prompts that promote thought and action.

Have Better Accessibility to Your Customers

Ever feel like your customers are faceless numbers? With a branded community get to know the personal side of people. Most people show pictures of themselves and their lives as well as fill out a bio in a community. Getting to know customers on a personal level helps to build rapport and inspires you to provide top-notch services and products.

All in all, it can never hurt to have a branded community as there are way more positives than negatives. Improve your business today by starting a branded community using Social Engine’s platform.