Website Progress Update

SocialEngine - Community Software

Hello Everyone!
We recently rolled out our website relaunch and got some great feedback. We want to thank all of you that have contacted us with issues, feedback and concerns. As many have been asking about the Certified Marketplace and other issues, we wanted to update you all about the progress.
Certified Marketplace
Our team is working hard to approve developer applications and products in the store. We anticipate the Certified Marketplace to start filling up soon. Reviews were not brought in from old products as everything is being resubmitted. We feel this is the best way to start fresh on our Certified Developer program.
Developer Documentation
We’ve had a lot of inquiries regarding developer documentation. This is in the works and we anticipate having a good knowledge base of articles in the near future.
Account Issues
We are aware of some account issues for some clients. We are working on fixing any such issues. If you don’t see your downloads or paid licenses, please do contact our support. You will not be charged to contact our support for these issues.
We appreciate the time you are all taking to report issues and for the great feedback you’ve taken the time to provide us. Thank you all for your continued support!
The SocialEngine Team

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