We are pleased to announce the release of SocialEngine Self-Hosted 5.7.0! This release adds improvements and addresses bugs posted by members of our community and staff.
The following is a list of fixes and improvements in this release:
- Added more notifications to Groups. This will show when someone joins, leaves, or posts content in a group. Included are settings for unsubscribing from notifications and email template settings.
- Added notice for two step authentication to provide info for users joining. This will let them know to check their email for the code.
- Added a delete function for Notifications. This allows users to delete some notifications or all notifications.
- Invite has been updated to allow users to notify admin if an invited email exists so that the old invite can be deleted. There is an area in admin to view invites and delete those that have not been accepted. If a user was invited and joins, and someone tries to invite them again, it shows that they are a member with a link to their profile.
Important Change
Link sharing via iframely has changed. Previously, the default setting was a hosted version of iframely that was hosted by SocialEngine. This option has been removed. The two options still available are iframely API or self host. The settings can be set following this tutorial.
We know that this can be an issue for clients trying to set up self hosting. As such, we reached out to our recommended hosting provider BryZar and they have agreed to provide the iframely hosting for free (shared) or for $2 per month (dedicated). More details on the BryZar iframely hosting can be found in their post at the commself-hosting unity. You can also contact BryZar directly to ask questions about this service. You do not need to host your site with BryZar to get the shared or dedicated iframely hosting.
Bugs Fixed:
- Fixed – SE Blog wasn’t showing in admin News & Updates widget.
- Fixed – Copyright is not using styling setting. Added copyright setting to Serenity theme.
- Fixed – Classified listings with no uploaded image had a blank space where image should be. Removed blank space.
- Fixed – Message menu missing in compose page.
- Fixed – Terms and Privacy phrases strip lists.
- Fixed – Emoticon won’t upload if file name is the same as emoticon name.
- Fixed – Video embed from internal videos has http url instead of https. This causes the video not to embed on https secure sites.
- Fixed – Group privacy issues for private content and Facebook sharing.
- Fixed – Members online widget title breaks when count is removed.
- Fixed – Category causes variable to show in search results.
- Fixed – Deleting a forum post reply does not delete it from activity feed.
- Fixed – New friend request notification giving error.
- Fixed – Hard coded phrases in photo plugin for “Nobody…” . Changed “Nobody” to “No one”.
- Fixed – Manual payments not respecting setting for receipt upload if set to “No” and user cannot finish sign up without uploading a receipt.
- Fixed – No owner id defined error for forum thread and post.
- Fixed – Likes of photos are not appearing for other members.
- Fixed – Group item privacy not respecting admin privacy options.
- Fixed – Subscription expiry notification emails not going out and task manager for payments failed.
- Fixed – Group and Event discussions not respecting admin settings for edit, delete and rename.
- Fixed – Vimeo thumbnail not created in video browse page when video shared via status post.
- Fixed – iframely not grabbing images for links.
- Mobile App Issues Fixed:
- Status post links not attaching.
- Video in activity feed not playing.
A complete changelog is available for more details about the changes and fixes implemented in this 5.7.0 release. Please view our demo of v5 and explore the new features!
As always we highly encourage all users to do a complete backup of both files and the database before performing this upgrade. Please have the backup performed by your host or a developer if you’re not comfortable with performing it yourself. Always check with third-party experts for compatibility with any products you use before upgrading.
Important: If you are on version 4.9.4p1 or below, you will need to follow the special steps in the upgrading documents linked below before upgrading and applying the patch mentioned.
You can download your copy of version 5.7.0 from our new client dashboard. For clients still using v4 of the SocialEngine Self-Hosted platform, you would need to first purchase the v5 upgrade in order to access the latest version. If you haven’t requested to be moved to our new dashboard, please contact us.
Fresh installs should follow our installation tutorial or you can order an installation ticket and our team will get it installed in no time! To upgrade from a previous version to 5.7.0, please view our upgrade documentation.
If you find any issues with this release, please let us know by filing a bug report in our Bug Tracker. We’d also like to encourage you to stay connected with our community.
With Great Appreciation,
The SocialEngine Team