SocialEngine Self-Hosted 4.8.8 Released

SocialEngine - Community Software

We’re happy to announce the release of SocialEngine Self-Hosted 4.8.8! This release includes important fixes, some of which came to notice after the last 4.8.7 release, and because of some specific server settings or 3rd party plugins. Here is the summary of those fixes:

  • Fixed issue where users were unable to like comments on certain activity feed posts. Fixes #7.
  • Fixed issue where new posts made without attachments were not appearing on user / content profiles. Fixes #1, #7 and #21.
  • Marked Multi-byte String (mbstring) extension as required to avoid any errors because of this being disabled.
  • Fixed issue with PHP language array file not being generated properly in certain cases.
  • Fixed error “Call to a member function toValue() on a non-object” coming on user profile page in a few cases. Fixes #2.
  • Fixed notice of E_DEPRECATED and theme issues coming on websites having PHP version lower than 5.3.0 after last release. Fixes #3.
  • Fixed E_DEPRECATED notices coming on websites running on latest version of PHP (>= 5.6.0). Fixes #17.
  • Fixed issue with the translation of content sharing feed’s text.
  • Fixed issue with sound manager swf that was not working when Cloudfront CDN is being used on website.
  • Fixed issue with duplicacy of photo caption in activity feed when status is updated with a photo.

You can download the new SocialEngine Self-Hosted 4.8.8 code from your client area. We’ve also updated Chat plugin to 4.8.8. Please make sure that you do a complete backup of both files and database before performing this upgrade. Please get a developer to help you if you’re not comfortable with the installation and backup process yourself. We do have an upgrade service available for $150 which you can purchase from our Client Store.

Changelog: You can also browse the complete changelog file for more details about the fixes implemented in this release, and contact us if you have any questions.

Last, you can always submit any feature requests or bug reports for SocialEngine Self-Hosted to our public bugs and suggestions tracker. Thanks again for providing your continuous feedback & support!

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