SocialEngine Self-Hosted 4.8.7 Released

SocialEngine - Community Software

We’re delighted to announce the release of SocialEngine Self-Hosted 4.8.7! This release has many significant bug fixes and features that add great value to your websites. Below is a quick summary of features and bug fixes included in this new version:

  • Speed enhancement achieved by not rendering CSS of disabled modules, and by resolving issues of translation performance (Converting language pack CSV files to a PHP array. This is a setting available in “Performance & Caching” section of Admin Panel.).
  • “Browse Members” page is now available for editing in Layout Editor. You can now add desired widgets to this page from your website’s administration.
  • Enabled synchronization of likes and comments, for content posted as attachments from activity feed updates (photos, videos, music), between the content’s activity feed and the main content. Thus, when a like or comment is made on content from its activity feed, then that will also appear on the main content profile. For more details about this, please have a look at the image given below.
  • Auto-addition of status update text as a photo’s caption, when the photo is attached to that status update. Thus, when a user posts a photo from their status box, then the status message gets auto-assigned as the photo’s caption and is visible on the photo view page.
  • Added TinyMCE Editor for editing “Message Body” of Mail Templates in Admin Panel.
  • Added South Sudan to the list of countries available to users for selection.
  • Added 2 currencies (Turkish Lira and Russian Ruble) to the existing list of fully supported currencies.
  • Added “iframe” to the list of default tags in the member level settings of Blog, Event, Group and Forum modules. Without the need for admins to add “iframe” to the “Allowed Tags” list, users can now easily add embeddable content like videos to the content from these modules. Fixes #2599

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with CURL not working on websites running on SSL (with https). This is an important fix as no tasks were being executed on those website because of this issue.
  • Fixed issue with recurring subscriptions via PayPal, that was coming because of IPN Validations getting failed.
  • Fixed compatibility issue with PayPal that emerged as a result of PayPal’s discontinued support to SSL 3.0.
  • Fixed compatibility issue with Facebook that was coming because permission related changes by Facebook.
  • Fixed issue with signup process that was coming because of deleted users’ entries not being deleted from email verification database table.
  • Fixed issue that was coming when Anti-Spamming technique and Re-captcha both are enabled in Login / Signup forms.
  • Trimmed extra comma (,) coming at the end of meta keywords list for all content.
  • Replaced semi-colon (;) with comma (,) in the value of meta viewport tag. Fixes #2658
  • Fixed issue with smoothbox not being displayed properly when some head scripts / styles are added by admin in General Settings.
  • Fixed fatal error on a few websites (running on PHP version > 5.4.0) after upgrading their websites to SE Self-Hosted 4.8.6. Fixes #2591 and #2585
  • Fixed issue with search widget throwing error when search is disabled for public users from General Settings of administration and the search widget is placed on a page that is visible to public users.
  • Fixed issue with “Download Log” button in admin Log Browser section not working fine.
  • Fixed an error that was coming when content with “Date” field were getting created with the field’s value left blank.
  • Removed unnecessary TLD check performed at the time of email addresses validation.
  • Fixed issue with PHP Array files not being created successfully in some cases when ‘Translation Performance’ setting is enabled and saved in administration.
  • Performed regeneration of PHP Array language files each time when changes are saved in “Performance & Caching” section of administration. (This is helpful when a new plugin is installed or some new translations are made via Language Manager.)
  • Fixed issue with email notifications not being sent to members for subscription expirations and cancellations in a few cases.
  • Fixed some log errors.


  • Fixed an issue with messages where subject in replies was coming as “(No subject)” even when original message had a subject. Fixes #2563
  • Fixed issue with the auto-suggestion field of compose message form not working fine when “Profile Address” field is disabled from signup process settings of administration.
  • Fixed issue with the HTML entities being displayed in encoded form in messages composed using TinyMCE editor.
  • Fixed issue with links being appeared broken in messages composed using TinyMCE editor.

Activity Feed

  • Fixed issue with “View More” link not being displayed at the bottom of activity feeds when a photo, that was uploaded as an attachment via activity feed, is deleted from Photo Albums section. Fixes #2588
  • Fixed issue with the translation of activity feeds generated for content sharing. This is very useful for multilingual websites.
  • Fixed issue with activity feeds getting disappeared randomly in a few cases.


  • Fixed issue with Event Discussions that were not inheriting privacy of their parent events.


  • Fixed error that came on “Manage Groups” page after searching for groups by selecting “Only My Friends’ groups” filter.
  • Fixed issue with “Quote” link not working fine in Event and Group Discussion modules.


  • Fixed issue with music files with “.m4a” extension not getting played.
  • Fixed issue with HTML entities being displayed in encoded form in playlist titles in the “Add Song to Playlist” pop-up.


  • Fixed issue with videos uploaded from “My Computer” not being played in activity feeds when HTML5 support is enabled from administration.
  • Fixed issue with videos not being played in few versions of Chrome browser when HTML5 support is enabled  from administration.
  • Added support for Youtube domain “” in video creation process.
  • Fixed issue with HTML entities of video description being displayed in encoded form after a video is edited.

NOTE: Please do a complete backup of both files and database before performing upgrade of SocialEngine Self-Hosted on your websites. If you had ever been given a code level change by our support team to fix something at your end and that code change was applied to any of your files, take extra care to ensure that those are still correctly applied, or contact support and we’ll help you. Please get a developer to help you if you’re not comfortable with the process yourself. We do have an upgrade service available for $150 which you can purchase from our Client Store.
SocialEngine clients can grab the new SE Self-Hosted 4.8.7 code from their client area.
We’ve also updated Photo Albums, Blogs, Events, Groups, Mobi, Forums, Music and Videos plugins to 4.8.7.
You’ve asked to see which files we’ve changed since the last release, well you can browse the full file changelog for more, and contact us  if you have any questions.

Thank You!

This release includes 4 fixes and a feature that were reported by our amazing community. You can always submit any feature requests or bug reports for SocialEngine Self-Hosted to our public bugs and suggestions tracker. Thanks again for your support!

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