Good news everyone! We recently released SocialEngine Self-Hosted 4.8 with feature updates and bug fixes.
Following are the notes for the SocialEngine Self-Hosted 4.8.0 release:
- Option to hide subscription plans for users after they sign up
- Upgraded Zend Framework to v1.12.3
- Improved the robustness of the email queue
- Improved compatibility with older FFMpeg versions
- Added bot sign-up mitigation
Bugs fixed:
- Polls search options
- Archive_Tar compatibility problems with Self-Hosted v5.5
- JavaScript injection in the photo albums
- Some PHP warnings
- PayPal gateway testing function
- Quote button in the forum
- Forum search input placeholder
- Forum deletion problem
- Profile-Friends widget problem
- Image preview size for mobile
- Video module and SSL
- Double announcements
- 404 for /widget
- Added missing phrases to the translation files
- Twitter API changes
- Music sharing in the Activity Feed
- ReCaptcha for SSL
- Facebook/Twitter/Janrain sign in redirection
- Notifications bug when sharing music on the Activity Feed
- ReCaptcha for sign ins
- Inbox/notifications breaking after disabling modules
SocialEngine clients can grab the new SE Self-Hosted 4.8.0 code from the client area. Remember to make a *complete* backup of your installation before performing an upgrade. If you’ve made significant custom changes to your source code, remember that they could pose problems during the upgrade process, so enlist a developer to help you if you’re not comfortable with the process yourself.
Reminder, please submit any feature or bug requests for SE Self-Hosted to our public bug and feature request tracker.
I want to thank everyone for their continued enthusiasm for the future SocialEngine.
UPDATE: As a reminder we do have an upgrade service available for $150. You can purchase it from your customer account at SocialEngine.