Hey SocialEngine community builders! We’ve been working on SE Self-Hosted 4.6 and want to keep you posted on our progress and future roadmap. The list below is actually incomplete – these are items that will definitely make it into SocialEngine Self-Hosted 4.6 – depending on time, we will likely add more improvements to the release which is scheduled for June 19.
Improvements in SocialEngine Self-Hosted 4.6:
- Fixes the photo upload bypass bug which has made some sites vulnerable to spamming
- Fixes the problems caused sometimes by enabling gzip compression
- Uses English as a fallback on email translations to avoid breaking user sign ups when some critical strings are missing
- Better notifications for event invitations and approvals
- Fixes bug where announcements to networks that have no members get shown to other members
- Fixes bug where [object_link] placeholder in the Friend Request email template doesn’t work properly
- Better CSS3 support in stock themes (replacing old browser-specific properties)
- Fixes line breaks messing up the “view more” feature in feed posts
- Fixes broken drop-down menu on admin’s Create Network page
- Fixes hidden albums appearing in photo widgets
- Fixes bug where possible values for dependent profile questions appear in the wrong order
- Fixes poorly formatted table on admin’s Manage Announcements page
- Various other fixes for the announcement module
- Fixes problems with the signup flow handling email addresses improperly
- Fixes terms of service field breaking when a </p> tag is added
- Fixes uploaded video aspect ratios not being properly retained
- Various frontend and UX improvements
- Various minor performance enhancements
- Improvements to CSV language translation performance
- Improvement to the optimization for the likes feature (added in 4.5), reducing worst-case query load from 25 to 1 compared to SE Self-Hosted 4.3
- Removing purposeless warnings that fill up the error log.
We’ll be announcing a more complete roadmap for 4.7 and beyond after that release. In the meantime, we’d love to hear what you’d like to see added in upcoming versions of SE Self-Hosted. Thanks for helping us make SocialEngine Self-Hosted the best social network builder out there!