SocialEngine Reseller Account Migration

SocialEngine - Community Software

Recently we have announced the suspension of the SocialEngine reseller program due to a large number of complaints that end users were not receiving the support they were entitled to by their resellers. At SocialEngine we want to offer the best customer experience to everyone using our platform, so in order to do so we are voluntarily making an exception to our terms and we are offering an amnesty for the month of April, 2018. This would mean that all clients who have purchased from a reseller will be given the opportunity to have their own account and purchase items/services from our client store.
This amnesty will consist of a considerable discount  for you to “buy in” to move the license into your own account. This will allow you access to the marketplace, support (if purchased) and other SocialEngine services that you may not have access to as a reseller client.
The price to have your license transferred into your own account will be $50. For those with a license and SocialEngine official plugins, the price will be $100. This transfer is permanent and cannot be resold or re-transferred and is a one time process.
In order to take advantage of this one time offer, you’ll need to send a request to our support via our contact form and request the Reseller Amnesty discount in the subject line.
Details we need:

  • Your current license ID
  • Email used to purchase
  • Date of purchase
  • SocialEngine Official plugins purchased from reseller if any
  • Reseller purchased from

Unfortunately purchases from non-authorized resellers would not qualify for this program, however, if you’d like you can contact us for information on how we can help get you moved over into an account of your own!
With Appreciation,
The SocialEngine Team