SocialEngine PHP 4.7 released – bug fixes & improvements

SocialEngine - Community Software

Good news everyone! We’ve released a significant update to SocialEngine PHP that includes an array of bug fixes and many other improvements. Here’s a partial list:

  • Upgraded TinyMCE from v3 to v4
  • Added support for HTML5 notifications for chat messages (all major browsers)
  • Fixed some broken translation phrases
  • Optimized image files and other static assets for faster loading
  • Fixed the quote button on the Group plugin
  • Fixed the number of entries allowed for in the Blog plugin member settings
  • Fixed a variety of bugs that were causing fatal errors for installations running on PHP 5.4+ in strict mode.
  • Fixed a problem with people not showing up in members’ buddy lists within the Chat plugin
  • Now lazy-loading some Javascript files to increase page load speed
  • Minified and consolidated Javascript files to increase page load speed
  • Improved compatibility for link previews in feed posts

SocialEngine clients can grab the new SE PHP 4.7 code from the client area. Remember to make a *complete* backup of your installation before performing an upgrade. If you’ve made significant custom changes to your source code, remember that they could pose problems during the upgrade process, so enlist a developer to help you if you’re not comfortable with the process yourself.
We have many more SE PHP improvements coming in the pipeline and will be returning to a regular (and more frequent) release schedule.Β I’ll follow up with another blog entry detailing the next round of improvements and new features to come to SE PHP.
Happy community building!

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