SocialEngine and SocialSynapse

SocialEngine - Community Software

We’ve been receiving many questions from confused customers of, so I’m hoping this announcement will clear up the confusion. In January of this year, we gave SocialSynapse a license to create a derivative product based on SocialEngine intended for German-speaking countries only. In September, we discovered that SocialSynapse had been selling its product and not paying our agreed-upon license fees. Consequently, we have now terminated our license agreement with SocialSynapse.

SocialSynapse is a completely separate entity and is not associated with our company whatsoever. Since we did not receive our license fees, we unfortunately cannot transfer SocialSynapse clients to our service. It is SocialSynapse’s obligation to its customers to continue providing them with support, however SocialSynapse may not sell any additional licenses of its product hereafter. If any SocialSynapse clients decide that they would like to transfer to SocialEngine, we can offer them a $50 US refugee discount. Simply contact us with your request (along with a link to your existing SocialSynapse-powered site) and you will be eligible for the discount. This offer will be valid for the next two weeks, ending November 28, 2008. Thank you all for understanding!

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