September 2014 Keeping it Rolling Update

SocialEngine - Community Software

We’ve been busy in September that’s for sure, but that didn’t keep us from having a little fun.
Mainly, Alex in a side comment mentioned he could eat 50 McDonalds Chicken McNuggets in an hour. He wasn’t challenging anyone, but Mike and Stepan took it upon themselves to see if he could stand behind his comment. So the inaugural Nugget Challenge was created. Turns out Erica, who works on SocialEngine from Room 214 also participated.
Alex finished the challenge in 54 minutes. Erica got through 16 Nuggets and claimed she was beginning to have a panic attack. Both Erica and Alex started suffering from high anxiety about 25 minutes into the challenge.
The picture of Alex below was taken hours after his accomplishments. Photos immediately after the challenge are NSFW.

Inaugural 50 pc chix nugget challenge

Alex’s Inaugural 50 pc Nugget Challenge Certificate

BTW – Jason who is a closet fast food junkie was unable to participate due to “previous engagement”. We look forward to him accompanying Alex next year.
Oh – and an update on a previous post about James stealing all of Stepan’s draft picks in the fantasy football league is needed. All of those draftees are either total busts, or injured and out for the year. Stepan is currently in 1st place and James is middle of the pack licking his wounds.
Marketplace MVP
Launched SE Marketplace MVP Community, shared comps and plans for the marketplace. If you want to participate in the discussions and provide input into the new marketplace please send us an email to
Added complementary support to trials & upgraded it to support php 5.5.
SocialEngine Knowledge Base
Launched new Knowledge Base and support landing page. Our plan is to keep this frequently updated so if you have any requests for new articles please let us know.
New SocialEngine Website
Went through many rounds of feedback with our designers and are very close to finalizing new designs. This new website design will incorporate our new logo and updating the overall look and feel of the brand.
Vision and Product Roadmap
We have drafted internal company vision and have begun putting the product roadmaps together for PHP and Cloud. We will be sharing those upon launch.
What’s coming up in October

  • New site with new branding. The site will better feature our developers and provide an add-on marketplace (below).
  • Marketplace MVP. This will include easily discoverable certified add-ons.
  • Product roadmaps for both PHP and Cloud. Our goal is to be as transparent as possible with what we are working on and where we want to take both products.
  • Hiring a product manager. As we add new products (Marketplace) and stick to our position of developing based on customer feedback, it’s important for us to have a dedicated product owner. We are looking to have this person based in Boulder, but if it’s someone we know and are familiar with, there’s opportunities to work remotely. Here’s a link to  our Product Manager job description. You can always submit to

We’re excited about launching major internal projects and getting down to the business of driving our products forward.
With great appreciation.

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