SE5 private beta now open to clients

SocialEngine - Community Software

Ok guys, the SE5 private beta is up and running. If you’re a current SE site owner, sign in to your account to get the beta link and request access. We’ll be rolling in small groups of people every day, with priority given to third-party developers and active SE4 site owners.
Reminder: This is an early beta – it’s definitely not a finished product. Things will still be buggy. The goal for this beta is to get constructive feedback from all of you smart people about bugs and potential improvements, especially from an end-user’s perspective. Feature requests and other ideas are also appreciated!
Also, keep in mind that feature-wise, SE5 is very distinct from SE4. SE5 is much simpler and more focused on link/media-sharing and curation around interests and integrating with other social channels like Twitter and Facebook. The point isn’t to compare the two products, but rather to help us iron out the kinks in SE5 and gather your thoughts on the basic features already in place. Also, the theme you’ll see here is just one of many we’ll release. This theme is designed to let you launch a site with mechanics similar to Reddit, Quora or Hacker News, but we’ll have other themes that let you build all kinds of things. The possibilities are limitless! I’ll talk more on this with a follow-up blog post in the coming week.
Finally, keep an eye out for our upcoming SE4 development roadmap. Richard will be publishing it in the next few days!

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