SE4 Roadmap: Planning Ahead

SocialEngine - Community Software

In the updates to come, we’d like you to help us prioritize our development efforts. We’ll consider everything, respond as best we can, and we’ll do our best to clearly explain our choices; stating what’s possible and what’s not. We want your voice to be heard—we’ll be listening—so please share your suggestions in the comments or email us.
Here’s what we are already working on for 4.2.7:
4.2.7: The team is addressing outstanding bugs. Have we missed any? Shoot us an email.

  • Private items, such as photos, will now be hidden from plugin browse pages.
  • Fix for the default number of items on browse pages.
  • Clicking “like” or “comment” while playing a video in the activity feed will no longer pause the video.
  • Allow pagination to function properly when more than one widget is on a page.
  • Updated RSS feed widget.
  • Will be possible to duplicate pages when creating a new page.
  • Will be possible to duplicate existing member types when creating new member types.
  • Categories will be alphabetized in search.
  • Translation bugs in Events and Groups will be resolved.
  • Quantum and Grid Theme errors will be resolved.

So what comes after 4.2.7? Help us decide! Based on the feedback we’ve already received, we think these are the most-wanted features. Tell us what interests you the most, and we’ll nail down one or two key improvements in the next update.
4.2.8 – 4.2.9

  • Optimized Activity Feed – The team has identified areas of improvement for increased performance and usability, as well as updates for enhanced commenting, streamlined browsing by grouping similar posts, improved admin options, and more.
  • SEO Improvements – Options to add titles to URLs, edit URL text, and provide URL support for non-latin characters.
  • Social Sharing Buttons – Integrate additional services for social sharing as we’ve done with Facebook and Twitter.
  • Notification Revamp – Include additional notification options, display notifications without having to refresh the page, and other improvements.
  • Privacy Controls – Develop enhanced, simplified privacy controls for shared items.
  • Improved Messaging – Compose messages in a popup window rather than a new page. Also, update admin options to allow for targeted announcements and messages to specific groups of members.
  • Updated Photo Sharing – Notifications for photo tagging, mass photo editing, and photo importing via attachments.
  • Updated Groups – Improvements include new page customization options and support for custom widgets/HTML Blocks.
  • Updated Events – Improvements such as a widget for event creation on any page.
  • Anti-Spam Features – Develop improved settings and features for security and spam prevention.

These features are up for discussion, and we’re open to alternatives, so suggest away. We will continue to improve and develop SE4, and we hope this plan for open communication benefits everyone in the SocialEngine community. Thanks!

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