Our Public Bug Tracker and Our New Demo Site

SocialEngine - Community Software

A while ago, we moved our public bug tracker from Redmine to GitHub. Most of you have already been filing requests / suggestions over the new bug tracker, which is great!
We undertook this change after evaluating multiple options and settling on GitHub as the best solution. GitHub has a nicer interface than the Redmine repository browser. It’s quicker, has more reliable highlighting, nicer URLs, and other improvements. Also, because we use GitHub for SE PHP development, handling your suggestions and mapping them with our internal issues becomes a much more streamlined process. 
Again, we appreciate those of you who have already seen and used the new GitHub system, and we encourage everyone else to check it out! It’s a great way for you to share your ideas and provide suggestions that can make your community and SocialEngine even better. .As cliche as it sounds, your questions and suggestions are indeed important to us. After all, our purpose is to help you make awesome communities!
You can find the new tracker at https://github.com/SocialEngine/phpv4-issues/issues
But wait! There’s more!
Thanks to our dev staff we have souped up our demo site! Head over to demo.socialengine.com to check out everything SE PHP has to offer.
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