New Third-party Mods Area & Custom Projects Board

SocialEngine - Community Software

We’re delighted to see the SocialEngine development community growing faster than it ever has before. To help support everyone that’s working with SE-based projects and developing their own add-ons, we’ve made some useful additions to the SocialEngine website. Here’s a summary of what’s new:

1. We’ve added a What’s New area to showcase recently-added third-party add-ons, mods, themes, widgets, and language packs. You’ll notice RSS icons on this page. If you want to be automatically updated when new third-party SE products are released, you can subscribe to those RSS feeds.

2. We’ve added a Custom Project Requests board for SE clients. If you want to customize SocialEngine and would like to hire developers or designers to help you with your project, you can post your project details there. Third-party developers will bid for your project so you can decide which one you’d like to work with. There’s an RSS feed for recent project requests on the What’s New page too.

3. We posted about this a few weeks ago, but here’s a reminder: If you’re signed-in to your SE client account, you’ll now notice the “Developer Zone” in your client area menu. If you want to post your own SE products or bid on client project requests, you can go here to enable your developer profile. Developers also get public profile pages where clients can post reviews – these can be browsed here.

We hope everyone will enjoy these new additions to the SocialEngine website. Rest assured that our development team is still working furiously on SE itself (as always) – this was developed in parallel. If you have any questions about these additions, feel free to comment here.

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