New SocialEngine Community Forum Coming Soon!

SocialEngine - Community Software

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We are super excited to announce that we’ve been working on something great for our clients and experts. After much feedback, we’ve decided to change our founder’s community to use SEPHP as it’s geared towards a forum and can allow us to offer more communication opportunities for everyone.
Our SECloud product is an awesome product for “Reddit” news aggregation niches, Twitter-esque networks, and many other types of communities. However, for our own needs, we need the features that SEPHP offers in the forum plugin, poll plugin and others. As such, our community will change. The current community will be kept as a read-only archive in order to preserve all of the wonderful content that everyone has contributed. We anticipate our new community to open near the end of June.
The new community forum will allow experts to post in an expert-only area so they can get coding help, provide expert feedback about things directly related to their needs, etc. It will have a member only section for posting bugs and feature requests – moving us away from Github where clients have mentioned a few times that they felt it was disconnected and it forced them to sign up for an external site. Some were not comfortable signing up and posting there. Moving it “in-house” seems best for everyone.
The new forum will be public for now. This will allow our “trial” clients to be able to post, as well as others that might have questions or tips to offer. We will also have a private client’s only section that will be monitored by staff.
You’ll need to join the new forum as we decided not to import users. We encourage you to set your privacy settings how you want them when you join. Please make sure you select the correct profile type and member level when joining so you have access to the forums you need. You’ll see subscriptions on the signup page. All subscriptions are free. We just need to ensure everyone is able to get access to areas they need and also it helps prevent spam.
Thank you for all of your feedback regarding the community and for helping make this new community a vibrant network for everyone.
With much appreciation,
The SocialEngine Team

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