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SocialEngine - Community Software

To all of you that are new to SocialEngine: I want to draw your attention to a few of the other places (besides this blog!) around the web where you can find out SocialEngine news:

The first is our Facebook page. Liking us on Facebook will give you access to more casual updates about the SocialEngine team, things we’re working on, and the general goings-on in our office. We may start running some Facebook-only specials in the near future, so you should go give it the thumbs up now! Go ahead, I’ll wait.

Back? Okay, good. The second place to check us out is on Twitter. If you follow us on Twitter, you’ll get to hear our 140 character musings, as well as news related to the social networking sphere. We sometimes perform informal polls of our followers, so make sure you follow us!

Lastly, I would strongly encourage you to sign up to our newsletter. We only send out about one or so emails per month, but they contain information about SocialEngine releases, invitations to participate in surveys, and coupons and discounts for SocialEngine’s products and services.

That’s all for now! Be sure to let us know how we’re doing, either in the comments below, or via our contact form!

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