February 2015 Keeping it Rolling Update

SocialEngine - Community Software

February 2015 was quite the month for SocialEngine. We are happy to see such a positive response to our activities.
We were working hard, but what was most tiring was cleaning the car off from the crazy snowfalls in Boulder.
The list is long, so let’s get to it:
Here’s the Skinny:
SocialEngine PHP

  • Released SocialEngine PHP 4.8.7 which is one of the biggest updates we’ve (new ownership) ever done
  • Brought in Shivani as a PHP Product Owner and Manager. She’s been busy consolidating SocialEngine PHP feedback, streamlining development and prioritizing defining features for 4.9.0 and 4.10.0
  • Feature identification and prioritization of product roadmap
  • Moved public bug tracking to github
  • Released the much needed and very big Facebook Custom App Setup knowledge base article

SocialEngine Cloud

  • Announced product roadmap
  • New code base for SocialEngine Cloud – Laravel 4
  • Fixes to LinkedIn and Facebook
  • More bug fixes and smaller improvements — check out our Release Notes
  • Increased # of members exported to 10,000
  • Launched new responsive themes
  • Enabled legacy themes
  • Hired a pro dev on toptal to work on specific features, first priority is post editing
  • Nailed down list of events to track in Intercom
  • Set up an integration with Ramen.is for an improved customer experience
  • Developed a wireframe/design for internationalization and phrasing (here’s a rough sneak peek, not final version). Soon you’ll be able to see these mocks inside the product roadmap.
  • Wrote and released three knowledge base articles for cloud: How to Add Category to Main Menu, How to Add a Favicon  and Enabling Legacy Themes

SocialEngine Website

  • Our creative team has been working overtime producing high quality assets and content for the new marketing site
  • Development of the marketing website continues to accelerate

On Tap for March:
SocialEngine PHP

  • Bug fix release for issues introduced with our ambitious SocialEngine 4.8.7 release
  • Continue to build out product roadmap and assign features to 4.9 and 4.10 releases

SocialEngine Cloud

  • Hiring a junior dev dedicated to Cloud
  • Releasing post editing, and potentially comment editing features
  • Integration of Intercom

SocialEngine Website

  • Finishing up content and graphical assets for the new site
  • Beta of the new site for our experts to start populating the (very cool looking) experts sections


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