December 2014 Keeping it Rolling Update

SocialEngine - Community Software

December was a month of climbing to new heights. We are quickly moving toward a beta launch of our new website and code base infrastructure and setting us up for an aggressive 2015 for both our PHP and Cloud products. All the hard work put in over the past six months is coming to fruition.
2014 was spent getting our house in order to build and scale SocialEngine products to meet the demands of our customer and developer base. We have work to do, but are well positioned to move quickly with an updated code base and launch of our website and marketplace.

Picking Up Speed

Picking Up Speed

photo credit

  • Major progress on making our cloud themes responsive and come from a single root (about 2/3s work done)
  • Addition of Cloud Themes and plugins on the current site
  • As always we post our release notes on SocialEngine Cloud updates on our SocialEngine Customer Community. Here’s December Release Notes.
  • Work on improving core codebase of Cloud
  • Posted article on Custom Domain Setup for Cloud
  • Discussions to bring gamificaiton to the cloud platform
  • Worked on User Onboarding progress bar

While putting together the PHP roadmap, it was clear to use we needed a product owner dedicated to moving PHP forward.  We made the decision to establish the first official Product Owner position for SocialEngine PHP. The product owner’s responsibility is to drive the product vision and roadmap, work with the development team and respond to customer input.

  • Established guidelines for a Product Owner for PHP

New Site

  • Ability to create and update your Expert pages in the new site

Focus for January:

  • Bring on Product Owner
  • Establish product roadmap
  • Release a version update


  • Move over to newly developed code
  • Introduce responsive themes and eliminate mobile theme (let us know in the comments or support box if that’s not a good idea)
  • Launch user on-boarding process
  • Release Roadmap

New Site:

  • Beta launch of new site

As always, we appreciate everyone’s dedication to SocialEngine and we look forward to an exciting 2015.

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