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3 Ways to Keep Your Online Community Positive

A successful online community is all about a positive and supportive atmosphere. With that, members and managers can be transparent, helpful, and direct about the messages they share. The only downside is the inevitable complaining about the other guys. Some members may be so excited they found your community that they start bashing other less-supportive…

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Why It’s Imperative to Create Your Own Branded Community

Terms like “community” and “find your tribe” are the new buzzwords of digital marketers. Newbies will automatically believe these words mean having a large following on social media or simply having high page views on their blog or website. In actuality, community and tribe refer more to the connectedness of the leader and the community…

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Fantastic Social Features for a Successful Online Community

When building an online community, social features are an essential part of the mix. They can help establish a loyal membership, help you advertise via free media outlets (Facebook, Twitter, etc), and help your users connect in meaningful ways. One of the reasons we’re SocialEngine is that we give you these tools to help you…

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Join SocialEngine’s The Hive Today!

Many of us SocialEngine members maintain our own digital communities. And sometimes we need help! This is why we would like to introduce The Hive, a community-minded resource for managers of SocialEngine sites. The Hive is devoted to supporting individuals to find resources on how to best manage their communities. SocialEngine is a Self-Hosted software…

Enabling Legacy themes

Responsive and Legacy themes

We have some very exciting news. On February 12th we will be releasing brand new fully responsive themes for SocialEngine Cloud! We have been working very hard to bring responsive themes to you and we are very proud of the final product. We think you’re going to love them. For everyone who currently has customized their…

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PhpFox Importer for SocialEngine

We are pleased to announce the release of Newrosoft Mods’ latest addition to the community, a PhpFox importer for SocialEngine! This plugin will allow you to import your user data from the phpFoX script to the SocialEngine 4 platform. You will be able to import users, friendships, photo albums, photo comments, blogs, blog comments, videos,…

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SocialEngine 2.0 Beta Testers Needed, Release Date Changed

We are nearing the end of the SocialEngine 2.0 development period, but unfortunately we are slightly behind schedule and will need to make some extra time for final touches and beta testing. We sincerely apologize for the release delay, but we feel that our top priority is to bring you quality, stable software, and sometimes…