Branded Communities and Customer Connections

Branded Communities and Customer Connections

People have so many ways to access information making it excruciatingly difficult for a brand to hold anyone’s attention.

Which means connecting with people where it matters most is the real balance in a brand’s effort to stay authentic, but remain in front and relevant to the those who matter.
Companies using branded communities have an opportunity to create a captive, enthusiastic audience for their product or service, but more importantly a useful reliable source of information for their fans. These communities build upon themselves, creating user-generated marketing and testimonials which increases brand loyalty and helps revenue grow rapidly.

Branded Communities Benefits:

  • Connect consumers to consumers
  • Develop a loyal consumer base

Many brands used Facebook to create their fan communities and had great success messaging and engaging with fans. Now, Facebook limits a brand’s reach to where only one to three precent of the followers ever see a post. Unfortunately many brands spent large sums of money and effort to build their followers only to get the rug pulled out from underneath them.
There have been few options for brands to own their own community because it’s extremely difficult and time-consuming.  However, SocialEngine has turned that problem on its head.  Today, creating a branded community is simple.

SocialEngine Offers:

  • An out-of-the-box branded community solution
  • Fully responsive themes make it easy for users to engage

With SocialEngine Cloud we have eliminated all coding and hosting headaches.
For brands seeking a highly customized community or unique features, SocialEngine’s Enterprise customers get direct access to SocialEngine developers for beautiful community pages to meet a brand’s needs.

Customizable Interface Reflects Your Brand and Builds Owned Community

  • Social platform uniquely suited to your style and message

Of course, brands require their own community sites to reflect the spirit and ethos of the product or service they are representing.  For example, a publishing company might include photos of fan art, discussion threads about characters and perhaps a spoiler section for fans to speculate.
There are also lots of opportunities to highlight new product ideas with the community, or provide a means to purchase exclusive content.
Overall, branded communities are a great way to connect and grow a user base.  SocialEngine’s easy to use platform help any company, no matter the size or resources, create a beautiful, powerful community.

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