Client Spotlight: Arnfinn Ingebrigtsen

SocialEngine - Community Software

In our latest Client Spotlight, we decided to change things up a bit and interview someone who has been working very hard at the frontend of SocialEngine Cloud and who has made it a priority to share with not only us but also the entire SocialEngine community his work.
We are excited to interview Arnfinn Ingebrigtsen of Face It, a SocialEngine Cloud community that’s focused on sharing anything from the most talked about news, to the latest meme or just about anything in-between.  Arnfinn has been extremely active and helpful within the SocialEngine community over the last few months and we were excited to talk with him the other day about his background, designing for SocialEngine Cloud and the future of Face It.

SocialEngine Cloud Face It Norge


Who is Arnfinn Ingebrigtsen and how do you currently fit into the creative landscape?

Arnfinn Ingebrigsten: I am just a small town guy from Norway. I work at one of the biggest telecom companies in Norway called Telenor. When it comes to designing and creating websites, I have always seen my self as a Noob, but I think I can go places with the ideas I have and evolve to maybe start taking on bigger projects.

What types of projects are you currently working on?

Arnfinn: I am working on themes and mods for SocialEngine Cloud. My latest Project here is Face It v.2. This is what I have had the most focus on. It is inspired by 9Gag, but with a few twists. I also have some other projects outside the SocialEngine Cloud world, I have a project for a Bowling Firm here in Stavange, Norway that I have produced the web site for and that I update.

Which designers and creative minds were your biggest inspirations?

Arnfinn: The first webpage I made, was a torrent tracker. So TBdev was the guy who made me want to start designing but after that I went with WordPress, and here I have used and been inspired by WooThemes.

How easy was it to cater SocialEngine Cloud to your specific needs?

Arnfinn: Surprisingly, it was easy to a certain point. The main design was easy, but some of the features you guys have implemented into SocialEngine Cloud needed to fit, that was not so easy all the time. But I managed it, and the more I work on themes the easier it is to get it right!

What’s next? What else are you working on?

Arnfinn: As I said earlier, I am working on Face It v.2, This is almost done and I love the design. After testing the themes I have made on my domain, we found out that we are going to rerelease Face It. So that is what I work on, but I also have a theme that I call Bricks Gag, that is going to be free theme for the community.

Anything else you would like to add?

Arnfinn: I just want to say that I love this platform and I am going to continue to work on themes and mods. I will also announce that I have released the Digg Board theme for free.
If you would like to be considered for a future Spotlight, please visit our Facebook page to tell us about yourself. Feel free to shoot as an email as well.

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