SocialEngine Self-Hosted 4.8.1 Released

SocialEngine - Community Software

My name is Stepan, I am a recently hired CTO for SocialEngine. I will be posting an update to our roadmap and future plans soon, but for now I wanted to let you guys know we’re released 4.8.1.
Here are the summary of feature and bug fixes that were included in SocialEngine Self-Hosted 4.8.1 Release:

  • Added a rich text widget for WYSIWYG editing of HTML blocks
  • Added link button to TinyMCE for blog posts

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where minimum age validation was always failing
  • Fixed cloned themes were always the active theme
  • Fixed manifest file was not correctly set when cloning themes
  • Check valid content returned by getItem() before using it on Abuse Reports
  • Music player no longer breaks if using a CDN
  • Fixed a bug that was checking permissions for events incorrectly
  • Logged out users can now view event photos without errors
  • Comment announcements for forums take you to the page with the comment
  • Adding multiple album categories no longer causes an error
  • Accessing the package manager over SSL no longer breaks page styles
  • Subscriptions that shouldn’t be shown to renewals no longer do
  • Corrected an issue caused when some DBs don’t treat empty strings as NULL
  • Made the alt-text consistent across member widgets
  • Users with no last-modified date now display their created date
  • Adding margin/padding to the body no longer confuses FancyUploader

SocialEngine clients can grab the new SE Self-Hosted 4.8.1 code from the client area. Remember to make a *complete* backup of your installation before performing an upgrade. If you’ve made significant custom changes to your source code, remember that they could pose problems during the upgrade process, so enlist a developer to help you if you’re not comfortable with the process yourself. We do have an upgrade service available for $150. You can purchase it from your customer account at
As always, please submit any feature or bug requests for SE Self-Hosted to our public bug and feature request tracker.

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