SocialEngine - Community Software

Version 2.0 Online Beta

Thank you all for being so patient, even after the first beta deadline was missed! Today we have finally released the SocialEngine 2.0 Online Beta. The beta allows you to create an account on a demo social network and explore most of the new features we’ve added in 2.0. You can also login as the…

SocialEngine - Community Software

SocialEngine 2.0 Beta Testers Needed, Release Date Changed

We are nearing the end of the SocialEngine 2.0 development period, but unfortunately we are slightly behind schedule and will need to make some extra time for final touches and beta testing. We sincerely apologize for the release delay, but we feel that our top priority is to bring you quality, stable software, and sometimes…

SocialEngine - Community Software

Final 2.0 Feature List and Release Date

Finally! We have compiled the feature list of the upcoming 2.0 release. We are publishing this feature list with the hope that it will help SocialEngine clients (and potential clients) plan their projects as we approach the 2.0 release. We’ve made the main platform our first priority and decided to update the current plugins (and…

SocialEngine - Community Software

SocialEngine Trial Launched

Good news for those of you that have been following SocialEngine for a while but haven’t bought a license just yet. Today we’ve released a free 15-day trial of SocialEngine 1.8 and all the available plugins. You can download the trial and install it on your server in minutes! The trial is fully functional except…

SocialEngine - Community Software

SocialEngine 1.8, Blogs Plugin 1.6 Released

We’ve released a new version of the platform today, SocialEngine 1.8. This update fixes several minor bugs we’ve found over the past several weeks, namely issues we’ve found within the FCKeditor component, the admin’s statistics area, the post comment page, and several small language oversights. SocialEngine 1.X is now remarkably stable, so to celebrate we…

SocialEngine - Community Software

SocialEngine 1.7 Released

Great news everyone! SocialEngine 1.7 is out, and the platform is now extremely stable. The last few bugs we could find were fixed, including bad-word censoring, content-specific search issues, and a minor problem with friendship types. Charlotte also made some great improvements based on your suggestions, such as allowing private user profiles to display (but…

SocialEngine - Community Software

The SocialEngine Newsletter

After much nagging, we’ve finally created a SocialEngine Newsletter. Sign up to start receiving email notifications when we post news announcements about new releases, important updates, and future plans. You don’t have to be a SocialEngine client to signup, it’s open for everyone!

SocialEngine - Community Software

SocialEngine 1.6 Released, API Planning Begins

We are happy to announce the release of SocialEngine 1.5. This update has fixed all the small bugs you have reported, so things are looking great. Charlotte and I are beginning discussions about creating an API that will make integrating third-party applications (as well as developing your own plugins) much easier. We are still organizing…

SocialEngine - Community Software

SocialEngine 1.5 Released, Subnetworks Explained

Charlotte and I are excited to announce the release of SocialEngine 1.5. For those of you running into trouble with subnetworks, your salvation is here. We’ve simplified the subnetworks admin area and fixed the logic so that users are now properly sorted depending on their profile information. So how do subnetworks work anyway? Subnetworks are…

SocialEngine - Community Software

Need Customizations? Talk to Lee.

Since SocialEngine’s first release, our team has received an overwhelming number of requests for custom projects. However, we are committed to focusing on improving the product itself and developing new features and plugins. To solve this problem, we’ve been seeking out third-party development firms that can take on all of your exciting SocialEngine project ideas.…