SocialEngine - Community Software

Free SE4 Upgrade (Reminder)

SocialEngine 4 is shaping up to be an amazing social platform. As we work on finishing up development, we wanted to remind everyone that all current clients will receive a complimentary upgrade when the final version is released. If you are not yet an SE client, now’s the time to jump on board since you’ll…

SocialEngine - Community Software

SocialEngine 3.20 Released, SE4 Update

SocialEngine version 3.20 was released recently to address several important issues. Please refer to the changelog for a full listing, but the patches include: – Fixed input filter to allow for advanced features in FCKeditor – Fixed several PHP 4 compatibility issues introduced in the last release – Fixed a logout bug related to the…

SocialEngine - Community Software

Happy Holidays!

In observance of the upcoming holidays, our support team will be working reduced hours from December 24 – December 27 so please plan accordingly. We wish you all a happy holiday and a safe and successful new year!

SocialEngine - Community Software

SocialEngine 3 Plugin Updates

We have rolled out numerous plugin updates tonight to address display issues and several minor bugs. The main issue being addressed is related to a recent Firefox update which has altered its treatment of Windows DPI settings. The “Large Font” setting, although rarely enabled on Windows machines, now skews the layout of many sites. As…

SocialEngine - Community Software

SocialEngine 4 Preview

After a slight delay (and a lot of pizza), we’re happy to announce the preliminary client-only release of the SocialEngine 4 preview: To access the preview website, please use your license key and password when prompted. We would greatly appreciate your assistance in testing the core; please use the built-in contact form to notify…

SocialEngine - Community Software

Happy Thanksgiving!

In observance of the US Thanksgiving holiday, we’ll be working limited hours this Thursday and Friday which means reduced response times. We appreciate your understanding and wish you all a great weekend! – The SocialEngine Team

SocialEngine - Community Software

SocialEngine v3.18 Released

We’re happy to announce the release of SocialEngine v3.18. This release includes SQL optimizations that should improve your site’s performance. While all sites will benefit from the optimizations, it will be especially noticeable in larger installations. – Optimized SQL queries in SE_User and user_account – Optimized SQL query for action feed items, now uses index…

SocialEngine - Community Software

SocialEngine 4 Announcement

We have an exciting announcement to make: SocialEngine 4 will be offered free of charge to all SocialEngine 3 clients. We’ve been thrilled with the response from the announcement of SocialEngine 4. However we know many of you were debating whether to purchase the current version or wait for SocialEngine 4 so we’ve made the…

SocialEngine - Community Software

Forum Plugin v3.02 Released (Line break issues fixed)

We’ve recently released a new version of our Forum Plugin which addresses a bug causing spacing and line break issues. Like all of our 3.x upgrades, this is a free download if you own the Forum Plugin and is available for download from your client area. Please review the changelog to see an exact list…

SocialEngine - Community Software

SocialEngine 4 Information

We’ve developed SE4 with the primary goals of improving SE3’s customizability and extensibility. SE4 will not only be a turnkey white-label social network, but also a broadly-applicable social content platform in its own right. The platform will be designed with a high level of modularity so that third-party plugins, skins, and other custom scripts can…