Third-party Developer Profiles

SocialEngine - Community Software

You may have noticed the new site menu above. We are rolling out a series of improvements to the SocialEngine website, most of which are focused on helping SE clients find the third-party plugins, add-ons, themes, and custom services they need. Here’s a quick summary of the changes we’ll be implementing:

1. If you have a SE client account, you can now mark yourself as a “developer”. If you choose to do so, you will be given a public developer profile page that will help you explain what your company does and highlight your SE-related products/services. To anyone who is already offering SE-related products/services, I highly suggest that you create your developer profile now. You can do this by entering the client area, clicking on “Developer Zone”, and selecting the “Enable my developer profile” checkbox.

2. Currently, under the “Customize” menu above, you’ll find our custom developers page where we list third-party developers and consultancies that are experienced with SocialEngine. Next week, we will be replacing this page with a list of SE developers who have completed the process described above.

3. In the coming few weeks, we’ll be adding an area where SE clients can post custom job requests and developers can respond with offers or bids. We hope this will help SE clients find the right developers for their custom projects.

4. In the near future, developers will also have access to weekly builds of SocialEngine. We hope this will give you more time to work with any updates we make to the platform so you can adapt your products before we release new versions.

Once again, if you’re offering SE-related products/services, we highly recommend that you go to the client area and enable your developer profile.

If you have any questions, please post a comment here and I’ll assist you.

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