SocialEngine now provides 7 Days a week Support

SocialEngine - Community Software

One of the biggest challenges in customer support is to be available to respond quickly and efficiently to every incoming issue. This challenge is one that is not to be taken lightly and after much planning and deliberation, we are happy to announce that we are able to offer technical support 7 days a week!
A couple of months back, we took on a few new team members at remote locations to implement support coverage both during the week and the weekends. Along with offering quicker support and bridging the timezone gap, this transition has also helped us minimize our first response time!
Our customers, located in timezones all over the world, previously had to wait until the next day to receive answers to their queries. Now, thanks to our scaled up support staff, our customers receive a reply within a few hours (less than 6 hours in most of the cases) no matter when the ticket is opened!
We have revamped our support system so that you can smoothly run your online communities without having to worry about when any issues might be addressed. We understand how much quick and efficient customer support matters in the success of your communities. Providing you the best support has always been and will continue to remain a top priority for us!

SocialEngine Team

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